
What’s Your Summer Time Name? | Leverage Ambition

Summer is almost here! And what a way to celebrate then to come up with your perfect summer time name this year to kick off the celebrations. Here is your summer time name! COMBINE THE FIRST LETTER OF YOUR FIRST NAME A – Smokey B – Tan C – Natural D – Bubbling E -…

8 Interdependent Dimensions of Wellness from SAMHSA.gov | Leverage Ambition

SAMSHA.gov and Nikita Gupta from the UCLA GRIT Coaching Program defines our 8 dimensions of wellness. All material below has been repurposed from these authors for this post. Wellness is “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of the disease or infirmity” (World Health Organization). The Wheel of…

How To Lose a Job in 10 Days | Leverage Ambition

Here are the top ten ways to lose a job in 10 days.

We Got the Winter Yuckies – Part Deux | Leverage Ambition

Since my last post, a few things have happened. First off, I am a sober mother in recovery so I tried to find a morning meeting to help me feel good. Unfortunately I was not able to logon to a meeting yet but I am hopeful I will be able to after this post. My…

We Got the Winter Yuckies | Leverage Ambition

Who run the world…GIRLS! Beyonce’s song comes to mind when I get to take care of two sick kids that are home from a school day! When the kids get sick, parents get prepped for aiding and recovery. My kids separately had diarrhea and a sore throat, so I had to email the teacher to…

Combating Burnout | Leverage Ambition

Burnout is a common trait for those who like to play hard, work hard and win hard. Nothing else matters but perfection at the cost of our own health. Stress versus burnout looks like the following from PositivePsychology.com: Psychologist Dr. Richard Orbe-Austin notes different statements from people that have experienced burnout before that would suggest…

How To Frugally Decorate for Christmas | Leverage Ambition

Christmas is right around the corner and what a better way to get into the Christmas spirit by decorating the house! I love putting the Christmas decorations up before Thanksgiving. The Christmas decorations put me into a festive mood. Christmas is by far my favorite holiday. The presents, the family presence, and the overall season…

15 Best Careers for Recovering Addicts | Leverage Ambition

Congratulations! You are sober after a career of using drugs and alcohol. Your sobriety is key to living a good life. A good way to continue sobriety is to get a job or career that compliments your newly found sobriety. There are many different paths to take. There are some people that recommend going back…

Heavenly Bodies Astrology Guide Book – The Sun, Taurus, House Three + South Node | Leverage Ambition

Heavenly Bodies Astrology Guide Book was written + illustrated by Lily Ashwell. I always have had a fascination with the universe. I am quoting from this guide book below as I pulled the Sun, Taurus, House Three and the South Node today. I will give their summaries and omens below. I hope you enjoy it!…

We Are On A ‘Journey’ Quotes | Leverage Ambition

#leverageambition #leverageambi1 #leverage #ambition #eat #drink #wegotthatyummyyummy #life #family #winning #winningagain #videogames #gamingsuckers #twitch #amazon #youtube #etsy #netflix #instagram #twitter #movies #entertainment #latest #newreleases #shop #talktous #beyou #begreat #beyoubegreat A Part of Waterview Marketing Leverage Ambition participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through…

What’s Your Funny Thanksgiving Name? | Leverage Ambition

It’s about that time again. This Thanksgiving we need to temporarily change our names to something funny with our family, that may end up sticking for years. Find out your funny Thanksgiving name below: What’s Your Funny Thanksgiving Name? First Letter of Your First Name A – AppleSaucy B – Squasher C – Corn D…

Weight Loss Mantras + My FREE Personal Training Session Today (Hated It) | Leverage Ambition

As a complementary “gift” from the new gym I just joined, they provide a personal training session for free. A trainer is assigned to you and you are weighed, measuring your percentage body fat, your inches around each part of your body. I gained about 30 pounds in the last 2 months due to going…

WOW Thanksgiving’s Almost HERE! 80 Ways to Give Thanks | Leverage Ambition

Thanksgiving is a few weeks away! For me, Thanksgiving is a time to be near family and friends. It is a time to celebrate and love each other, being grateful for all the blessings we have been given since the last Thanksgiving. I always love looking at different quotes of gratitude during this time to…

The BEST Blogger Quotes About Blogging | Leverage Ambition

People do not buy goods and services. They buy relations, stories and magic. Seth Godin Too often, feeling intimidated becomes our excuse not to be awesome. Scott Stratten If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all: Read a lot and write a lot. Stephen King Most businesses actually get…

My Morning Routine as a Sober Woman (477 Days Sober Today) | Leverage Ambition

By the grace of God and my willing to be willing, I am 477 days alcohol free today. I wasn’t a daily drinker but a binge drinker. They say being an alcoholic is like being a man without any legs. And a man without legs can never grow them back. Similar to the legless man,…

The BEST Quotes on Perseverance | Leverage Ambition

Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after the other. Walter Elliot Perseverance is the key to success. Never give up and keep making efforts. It’s often the last key in the bunch that opens the lock. Invajy Be persevering at the bottom, humble at the top. Maxime Lagace By…

Hilarious Thanksgiving Memes to Share With the Family | Leverage Ambition

#leverageambition #leverageambi1 #leverage #ambition #eat #drink #wegotthatyummyyummy #life #family #winning #winningagain #videogames #gamingsuckers #twitch #amazon #youtube #etsy #netflix #instagram #twitter #movies #entertainment #latest #newreleases #shop #talktous #beyou #begreat #beyoubegreat A Part of Waterview Marketing Leverage Ambition participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through…

9 Simple Kids Birthday Party Activities in the Fall That the Kids LOVE | Leverage Ambition

Kids birthday parties are meant to be simple. The scariest part of the party is the dreaded kid who dares to say, “I’m bored” or even worse, “This party sucks.” This is why us parents need to be prepped WAY in advance with activities that are fun and entertaining so that that kid doesn’t even…

Prayer Of Thanksgiving

I will offer to thee the sacrifice of thanksgiving, and will call upon the name of the LORD. Psalms 116:17 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. 1Thessalonians 5:18 Pray these; Thank you Lord for Your goodness and mercy over me and my family –…

COVID Twice + Crying in My Closet |  Leverage Ambition

“Nothing pays off like restraint of tongue and pen. We must avoid quick-tempered criticism and furious, power-driven argument. The same goes for sulking or silent scorn. These are emotional booby traps baited with pride and vengefulness.” And boy, do I need restraint of tongue and pen in 2022. I caught the COVFEFE. Just kidding. I got…

Full Blood Moon on Tuesday, November 8th  |  Leverage Ambition

We have been waiting all year for this particular full moon night!  On this Tuesday, November 8th the new total lunar eclipse is out for the looking and it turns the entire moon a blood red color.  This blood red color evolves from the moon being directly in between the earth and the sun.  Some…

Egg Replacement for Gluten + Dairy Free Baking {Paleo, Dairy-Free, Gluten-Free} | Leverage Ambition

As I run through my early 40’s I find that I just cannot eat whatever I want whenever I want anymore. It’s one of those sad truths of aging. Aging IS IN FACT a privilege, however when eating I need to make sure I am avoiding both gluten and dairy as much as possible. It…

12 Step Prayers | Leverage Ambition

12 Step Prayer groups have been created to help people with different ailments from overeating, financial abuse, and alcohol abuse. While studying different recovery programs, I found all of the 12 step prayers for Alcoholics Anonymous that are from the text of the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous. What prayer and step are your favorite?…

Heavenly Bodies Astrology + BONUS: 4 Tarot Card Readings | Leverage Ambition

Lily Ashwell wrote and illustrated her own tarot card guidebook and tarot cards. This set gave me inspiration to share 4 Tarot Cards with you to help guide you today. I bought this set on Shop Abierto out of Malibu in southern California. If you live nearby, I highly recommend going to the physical store…

Different Ways To Be a Real Adult | Leverage Ambition

Change is scary but so is staying the same. Many of us adults have the same things holding us back from being our best selves. Some of these negative habits include: What we don’t need in the midst of struggle is shame for being human. We have happy hormones that include dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin and…

My Grateful Gratitude, Attitude List | Leverage Ambition

Hello there, sunshine. Here are the things we can be grateful for as we run in today. #leverageambition #leverageambi1 #leverage #ambition #eat #drink #wegotthatyummyyummy #life #family #winning #winningagain #videogames #gamingsuckers #twitch #amazon #youtube #etsy #netflix #instagram #twitter #movies #entertainment #latest #newreleases #shop #talktous #beyou #begreat #beyoubegreat A Part of Waterview Marketing Leverage Ambition participates in…

20 Steps to a Happy Morning | Leverage Ambition

I’ve noticed that I am a little forgetful lately. It could be my age, or it could be that I have too many things on my plate. Sometimes I forget what I need to do next. I came up with a good solution to my forgetfulness, and it is fully covered below. I hope this…

What Makes a Real Man? PSA for 70 Ways a Man Man’s Up | Leverage Ambition

What makes a real man? I had no idea. So I checked in with my men and other women to find out what makes a real man. Do you know what makes a man? As L.L. Cool J says in his song Who Do You Love, ‘man made the money, money never made the man.’…

Eric Clapton’s Depression + Blue Guitar in Nantucket | Leverage Ambition

Little waves ran over the sandy archipelago, while I coyly dug my feet into the airy sand.  The robust and haunted Atlantic winds and waves scared me. Thinking the of the Blue Guitar, I saw this mega yacht parked ahead that happened to be parked in Nantucket harbor.  I said, what is a blue guitar?…

How to Back Out of Burnout | Leverage Ambition

Signs of Burnout Recovery Ideas Do you struggle with any of the above traits? #leverageambition #leverageambi1 #leverage #ambition #eat #drink #wegotthatyummyyummy #life #family #winning #winningagain #videogames #gamingsuckers #twitch #amazon #youtube #etsy #netflix #instagram #twitter #movies #entertainment #latest #newreleases #shop #talktous #beyou #begreat #beyoubegreat A Part of Waterview Marketing Leverage Ambition participates in various affiliate marketing…


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