When times are tough it is easy to fall into the night of the shadow mode to heal. This is normal for us to acknowledge our energy, and heal it. No matter how long it takes, it is important to acknowledge your pain and let the energy flow through you.

Letting go of emotional pain is hard, but it is imperative to go through tough times to eventually unleash your inner emperor or empress.

Who is your inner emperor or empress?

Your true self, also known as your soul.

Soul energizing can be tough, so here are a few ways to help you release that negative energy and move on to the next best way to take care of yourself.

1. Qi Gong

2. Tai Chi

3. Meditation

4. Reiki Energy Healing

5. Prayer

6. Self care

7. Focus

8. Setting Boundaries

All of these are available to you on YouTube or Amazon Prime, I highly recommend you checking it out!

Happy healing!