citysundayHEY! Feeling so great all, so happy still that I decided to do this diet! I was not supposed to look but have lost 12 pounds thus far, and have so much more energy, feeling more comfortable in my own skin and healthier. As I had withdrew from sugar, I broke out pretty bad with a ton of pimples (sorry TMI) especially during that time of month. Thinking my body chemistry is changing so rapidly so it needed to release bacteria, either way happy about my progress thus far, and will probably continue this diet as a lifestyle just to not have to withdraw from the sugar beast again! There were definite nights of me waking up, very uncomfortable, not able to sleep. It was almost like a second day hangover for those that drink. FYI no alcohol allowed on this diet as well.



  • NO Sugar, not even Stevia
    • Natural fruits only
  • NO Alcohol, you can do it
    • No need to feel like shit in the morning
  • NO Carbs, only potatoes and sweet potatoes
    • I know, bake potato fries with olive oil if you are craving them
  • NO Dairy, no butter, milk or yogurt
    • Ghee and olive oil allowed, used this with breakfast, lunch and dinner

What the heck can you eat:

  • Vegetables, most all
  • Meat, make sure no sugar added in packets at supermarket
  • Fish
  • Ghee & Olive Oil

Some meals I had over the last week or so include zoodles with pepperoni and organic sugar free tomato sauce, along with a hotdog green bean mushroom onion fry in the pan, for your viewing pleasure:

Grocery List:

  • Instant Coffee
  • Sugar, dairy free almond and coconut milk
  • Olive oil
  • 3 sweet potatoes
  • 3 red potatoes
  • 2 yellow onions
  • 1 bunch of mushrooms
  • 1 bunch of green beans
  • 1 red onion
  • 1 packet of zoodles
  • Kale
  • Chives *you can cut these with a scissor adding to most meals for a gourmet twist!
  • Dill * adding this to any dish for extra flavor
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • 2 bunches of grapes
  • Lemons
  • Limes
  • Steak bits
  • 2 dozen eggs
  • Chicken breasts
  • Chicken wings
  • Shrimp