
Holy CANNOLI, I am turning 40!

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Like what happened in the last 40 years, did I black out from sheer joy?

Eh. Yeah, NOT. Could me calling myself out and screaming MELARKY mean I am a grown up now? The subject can be debated for sure, haha!

S$%^ got real y’all.

So it turns out there are 23 days to the big 4-0 for me, and I am maybe having what has been called a so-called midlife crisis (shout out to my So-Called Life, love you).

I never thought I’d turn 40, mainly due to the fact that the Italian side of me thought I was going to die EVERY DAMN WEEK. And especially before I turned 40. Not to jinx it or anything but it looks like I may live. I am grateful and truly blessed to not have any major impairing health issues, although I am temporarily dealing than contact dermatitis (we’ve narrowed it down to Purex Lavender Scented Laundry Detergent or Dust Mites, maybe?). Also I could lose 10 lbs as well.

Great news is that it looks like I made it. Let’s Lasso To The Moon calls the 40 decade the “Fab 40,” as it is Act II where we reevaluate our direction.

We can think about the 3 major things:

  1. What do I want?
  2. Why do I want it?
  3. How can I plan to get it?

Luckily, I do really enjoy blogging and working in sales, but I want to learn how to work smarter with less.

What I learned, or LESSONS, in my 30’s, and what I learned, or NEW GOALS, for my 40’s.


LESSONS IN MY 30’s – When it’s good it’s good, when it sucks it sucks, and when it’s great it’s great. As Will Farrell’s character says in Anchorman, “Help me, I am in a glass case of emotions and can’t get out.” Or something like that. Also, the kids will actually be fine as I help them grow, pay attention, and just simply be there.

GOALS FOR MY 40’s – Help them when they need help. Hug them when they cry. You know the simple things as by the time I turn 50 they will be off to college (OMG).


LESSONS IN MY 30’s – You reap what you sew, and the only way to have a better marriage is to improve communication and be on the same page. Some things may have worked in the past, and maybe it doesn’t work anymore. Change is okay, and NEEDS TO BE VERBALIZED IN TANDEM WITH YOUR PARTNER. If you have new needs, they need to be vocalized and agreed upon. Marriage is, at the end, a contract that if the terms are not agreed upon can be dissolved like anything else.

GOALS FOR MY 40’s – Get a babysitter now and then. Have a date night. Have sex. Be honest. Be a better taker.


LESSONS IN MY 30’s – Corporate is a losing game to everyone else but the owner and/or. You are the cat or the mouse. Better to be the cat, which means being a sales manager instead of a sales person as any sales contract that I have had never truly went in my favor. If I want the whole shebang or ALL the profit, I need to start my own business and that’s a wrap. Take the risk and take the risk of failing miserably and stay at soul sucking corporate. Interviewing is soul sucking, so the goal is to stay at a job for 5 years. Excited to find that next opportunity.

GOALS FOR MY 40’s – Continue to write when I feel like it. Writing is healing and it is fun to journal and heal. Growing is my plan. I am trying to write and journal my way out of corporate. If corporate is plan B, I will continue to be a great leader by being thoughtful, ethical, and hardworking. I want to be a respected leader, for not just my team, but for my children too.


LESSONS IN MY 30’s – I’ve learned that I can only be me and no one else, and that’s just fine. I spent a lot of time forcing relationships that maybe the universe took away from me because it didn’t serve my highest good. I need to remember that there has always been a plan, and I am where I am because the plan has worked out perfectly until now.

GOALS FOR MY 40’s – Being on a set daily schedule is rewarding, and it’s good to add on surprises for yourself weekly. Talk to friends if you are feeling down, and if that doesn’t help, there’s no reason to sulk for longer than a little less than a week. It’s okay to get therapy if need be. Like weekly treats of a special workout class, a blowout hair dry, a pedicure/manicure, or something that TREATS YOU.


LESSONS IN MY 30’s – Health is wealth. I gained weight here and there (thoughtlessly ate) and (somehow SURPRISE) I went over my healthy body weight (and felt like crap often).

GOALS FOR MY 40’s – Stay active at least 20 minutes a day for a minimum of 4 times a week by rowing, walking and/or jogging. Reminder that it is nice to take time for yourself.


OKAY love you, BYE!

I’m going to be fine. And so are you. Watch the Tchaikovsky 1812 overture with me here on THIS HANDY YOUTUBE VIDEO.

Photo by cottonbro on

P.S. Remember the ACRONYM GRAPES (thanks SISTER) –

Be Gentle to yourself kind words

Relaxation breathing anxiety

Achievements – do things to make you feel accomplished, even little things like a bath

Pleasure things that make you happy

Exercise – do it daily

Socialize – connect with people everyday

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