
Only 56 more days until 2021. We got this! ♥️

Christmas is coming.

Hanukkah is coming.

Kwanzaa is coming.

Eid al-Fitr or the end of Ramadan is coming.

Spiritual hope, health and happiness are right around the corner.

Here is what’s left to do this year:

Be thankful for what you have now.

Celebrate your life.

Use your internal voice to celebrate yourself, and not the other way around.

Count your achievements, as there are no failures only lessons. You are lucky if you get the lesson the first time around.

Go easy on yourself. You made it this far, and you should be proud of what you have accomplished to this point.

Seize the day, while respecting your body, mind and spirit.

Love and cherish your family. We are only here for a limited time only.

There is nothing between us but space and time.

There is a time to reap and a time to sow.

Take it easy on yourself.

You are where you need to be.

You are only in control of one person only, and that person is yourself. You have no control over any human being and any other human being is responsible for their own behaviors. Basically others behavior is none of your business.

Don’t take the bait from energy vampires.

Don’t spread yourself thin.

Listen to your body.

Love yourself.

Love the one you’re with.

It’s okay to take time to yourself. Don’t feel guilty filling your cup first now.

Audit your energy after interactions with electrical devices and others, if you feel depleted it is OK to not engage as frequently or as often.

Be your own best friend.

Take that break.

Take that bath.

Light that candle.

Be your best company.

Listen to that good music that reminds you how great you are.

Take that hike.

Walk the beach.

Watch the waves.

Love you for you.

What other advice did I miss? Let me know in the comments below. It’s about honoring ourselves and working together as a community, so thank you for reading and engaging with us. ♥️🥊😎

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