
Oh boy, yesterday I did not bring enough compliant food to work with me, so was hungry parts of the work day and it was not cool!  I figured out fast that I really need to be overly prepared.  That being said when I got home from work last night I cooked a ton!

For dinner, I made a chicken leg roast in the oven, adding two lemons, sliced tomatoes, carrots, whole garlic along with olive oil, Himalayan salt, pepper and cumin.  I put a little water in the bottom of the pan and let it roast for a little over an hour at 425 degrees fahrenheit.  It was really hearty!  I would say if you are making it on your own and want more carbs, trying cutting up and adding a white potato or sweet potato depending on what kind of mood you are in!  As a drink I had some tap water with ice and sliced a whole lemon, eating the lemons once I was finished as I was craving sweet but too lazy to make a compliant dessert.

Today I am overly prepared with food, bringing the leftover chicken from last night and some grapes and almonds as a snack.  I heard others on other forums say that the almonds were making them bloated, but then I heard that it could still be your body adjusting to your new diet.  Keep the faith, don’t weigh yourself until the end of the 30 days if you want a big surprise!  I have had some sneak peeks admittedly and already lost almost 10 pounds, so super happy.  I do have headaches and withdrawal symptoms here and there, however I just stay head strong and ride the wave.  All in all I do have so much more energy, can breathe much better and feel more comfortable in my skin as my double chin is not as visible!  I think it came from being overweight, although is hereditary in my family, I think it also comes from wheat.  One of my sisters has Celiacs and is allergic to wheat, so I have a feeling we all might be slightly but may not know it yet.  Either way once I am done with the diet I will let my family know about it too as they all are looking for a good healthy diet to reset their sugar levels.

Now having kids it is more important to me to really take care of my health as my kids depend on me.  I think I mentioned some family members were diabetic or close to it so I want to make sure I avoid the issues and daily maintenance of it.

In the meantime for breakfast I was out of the coconut milk this AM so had to had my coffee black, but added a little bit of coconut oil instead to make it great.  I had ghee with scrambled eggs in a pan, added avocado on the side and it was super filling.

My husband went to pick up our new rental car this AM from Nissan as our cars airbag is faulty so they do not want us driving it.  We now have a rental car for the next 4 months until Nissan gets the supplies to replace it.  Apparently there was a big multimillion dollar legal case against them as some people passed away from it, so now all owners will be getting paid.  Good for us as we get a little extra cash, a nice newer rental car and our safety is not compromised.  I had a little more time to hang with my kids as well which was fun.

Daniel Tiger is on now and they are so happy!  I am going to jump in the shower soon to get ready for work, hopefully my husband gets back from Nissan soon.

Happy Whole30 and keep the faith, you are over 1/4 of the way done! 🙂