
About to go to the supermarket again, and wanted to share my grocery list to help as a guide to stock up the healthiest filling options for losing weight on the Whole30.

This week was tough as I really felt the after effects of the sugar I was eating, and I didn’t realize also how dairy was having a negative effect on my overall weight and insulin levels too.  My father being diabetic, and my sister being pre-diabetic who is a year younger than me, I knew that I was going to be next.  This diet is supposed to help improve the way you look and feel and by the end give you more energy!

Additional benefits:

  • I have had much more water than I was having prior to the Whole30 diet, which is great for keeping your body as it’s best!  Typically before I would have 3 cups of coffee through out the day with sugary dairy creamer and it would give me a high for a hour or so.  After I would crash and find myself back in my work kitchen filling up on coffee again!  I love cutting up a lemon or lime to give the water a more fresh taste!
  • I have a better taste for REAL food!  Everything that I have picked up from the grocery store has been organic, and mainly fresh.
  • I am way more energetic than I was before.  I was actually having trouble going to bed and sleeping through the night and now I am better.
  • I cook way more than I did before.  Being a working mom, I felt I didn’t have time to cook my own food and relied on take out my husband ordered.  This way great and convenient, however it was packed with butter and sugar which I didn’t really think about before this diet.
  • I have positively influenced my dad, sisters and friends to adhere to this diet as I have seen stellar results and I know they will too!
  • My tummy is flatter, my skin is brighter, my face is skinnier and my entire sense of my body has improved every day I am on this diet.  I have never been off of sugar or dairy my entire life, so this feeling and burst of energy is real!  I have done no carbs before and felt super tired, so now I know the key was leaving sugar and dairy behind in addition to the processed carbs.  Being from a big family, pasta had a big influence on my childhood.  I thought that I would share this with my children, but now I realize the damaging effects.
  • I am much happier than I was before, and feel an overwhelming sense of happiness with my new plan!

Here is the new list that I have for you to make it super simple going grocery shopping for you and any other family members that want to join as well.

Grocery List

  • 2 bags of cherries
  • 1 bag of grapes
  • 3 lemons
  • 3 limes
  • 2 grapefruits
  • 2 russet potatoes
  • 2 sweet potatoes
  • 4 avocados
  • 1 pack of carrots
  • Kale
  • Spinach
  • Tomatoes
  • 10 brussel sprouts
  • 3 onions
  • 2 packs of mushrooms
  • Chives
  • 2 packs of raw almonds
  • 1 12-pack of brown organic eggs
  • 1 carton of coconut milk
  • 1 steak
  • 4 chicken breasts
  • Himalayan Salt

Enjoy yourself, and if you had any other grocery items you think would be helpful, feel free to share below.  CHEERIO!