Now is the time to create our goals in the New Year, so that we may achieve all of our creative and personal dreams. Making new resolutions are great, but sticking to them is another story.

In order to keep ourselves accountable, we need to pull together a timeline of monthly goals that are fun but productive, in a crazy, sexy, cool creative brainstorming session. Here’s a good sample of what I’ve come up with initially for January below.


HEALTH – Take a new hiking trail for new exercise. Walk 20 minutes a day. Try out a new yoga video. Try new arm toning exercises with my elastic bands. Try a new paleo breakfast recipe.

PERSONAL GROWTH – I would like to read two entrepreneurs memoirs and start up experiences to get me motivated to start a new, fun creative business.

CAREER – I would like to try and make more money this year than last. This will be trying to partner with new clients that are beneficial to my bank account but also not total energy suckers that take up all my time. Basically the goal is to find new clients that are healthy, interesting and not as challenging as I I have had in the past. Fingers crossed!

CREATIVE – Listen to a new podcast or two to explore new fields. I may discover something really interesting and fun that you may like. Try painting on a piece of driftwood as a new form of home decor.

HOME – I personally would love to organize my closet, so I am more organized and understanding of what I have, what I need to donate, and what I need to buy.

REFLECTIONS – The last year has been one of growth, entrepreneurship, and patience. So instead of trying to figure it all out today, let’s take the next week or so to have a deep reflection of the past year. What did we accomplish? What did we not accomplish? Why? What are our priorities this year? What did I do poorly? What can I do better? What do I want to release in 2022?


Negative beliefs are not serving me, so figuring out what I need to release before heading into 2022 is key. Mainly I would like to release old narratives I have been telling myself that are not true.

What are my main HEALTH goals this 2022 New Year?

For me, I am looking to lose 20 pounds in the first two quarters of 2022. This will get me within the lower end of my normal healthy weight range, as now I am just below the peak. To do this, I am going to eat a healthy paleo diet. I will try to follow it as strictly as possible, while also trying to drink 8 glasses of water daily. I like to add either lemon juice, mint and/or apple cider vinegar to it, which helps provide flavorful antibacterial properties that help my digestion. I want to maintain my abstinence from alcohol as well as it has really cleared my mind and kept me hyper focused on my daily goals.

What are my PERSONAL GROWTH goals that I want to achieve?

Read a few new self help books, and try to learn a new digital skill.

What are my CAREER values for the 2022 New Year?

In order to define the right career path for me, I need to understand what I want to achieve, what I want to do daily, and the values that are important to me (to see what’s mandatory or preferable). I can achieve this by creating a career statement that works best with my goals. It is critical that I understand about what’s important in my career and put an objective statement that encompasses those values and goals. Once the career path is defined, it is all about measuring our standards. We can easily define these standards through creating a vision board. I know it sounds juvenile and a bit ELEMENTARY however when the mind sees it daily it keeps our eyes on the prize. Subconsciously we are able to reverse engineer what we need to do to achieve those goals we set prior with s vision board. Projecting the future, it will help me understand what is valuable to me and what is necessary to move in the right direction. I need to set a goal I want to strive towards. Planning and researching new opportunities can be invigorating and freeing. Outside help may be necessary, so creating a board of directors in your life may help you understand what you are looking for. Career counselors are on call and ready to work for you too, so don’t be shy. Internalizing fear does not serve us, although in a way it kept cavemen alive. It’s a basic survival instinct, but when it becomes suffocating we know we need an intervention. Knowledge will light the way. There is a system in place that can help me execute the plan. Plan the process then execute it. Finding my dream career will involve testing out new opportunities. If it’s not for me, I can always shift later.

What are my CREATIVE goals this year?

I have always enjoyed painting and jewelry making, so I may buy some new beads in the New Year. I have always wanted to learn how to knit, but never had the time to learn it from the ground up.

What are my HOME goals in the 2022 New Year?

I would really love to sand all of my furniture and refurbish them with a darker wood stain. They are about 50 years old, so it is time for a serious makeover. I really hate this chair we have at home that is a faux leather chair. We bought it 5 years ago and it is now peeling. So I’d like to either recover it or replace it, and at this point I am leaning towards replacing it. I would also like to flip my mattress to the other side so it becomes like new. The way it is now is kind of cuddling me and it bothers me. I would like to replace my pillows as well, tossing or donating any old ones that I need to the homeless.

What are my ABUNDANCE affirmations to kick start a grateful mindset?

Having a daily positive affirmation either texted to me or emailed to me would be amazing, so I am forced to get into a more healthy, and abundant mindset. Helping others will help me too.


When we create a vision board, we redirect our minds to figuring out how to reverse engineer our goals to eventually get everything on your vision boards. We have the unique, creative ability to create our owns lives and best test driving new habits and new avenues to get from here to there will help let us know what is working and what is not.

What will be your New Year goals in 2022?

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