I love tea in the afternoon and evening! A spot of tea helps me feel relaxed and is the happy ending to all of my meals. Many teas have specific benefits which come from the leaves of the specific teas out there.

Photo by Marko Klaric on Pexels.com

Here are 12 types of tea and their respective perks.

  1. Masala Chai Tea – Aids in weight loss and digestion. It reduces blood sugar levels. Masala Chai Tea keep you energized and helps relieve aches and pains. Immunity is shown to improve when drinking it daily.
  2. Oolong Tea – This tea has a delicious flavor. It boosts mental awareness by keeping the mind sharp and preventing brain fog. Metabolism is improved and heightened as well. It is known to lower cholesterol. It can help in fighting disease and cancer. In addition it can aid in reversing aging and help you maintain healthy skin. This tea is filled with antioxidants that fight free radicals. For hundreds of years, the Chinese have used Oolong tea to stay slim and look young.
  3. Black Tea – Black tea regulates blood sugar levels and improves cardiovascular health. A good source of antioxidants, Black Tea is antimicrobials and can help with alertness and concentration.
  4. White Tea – White Tea contains the highest antioxidant levels and relives stress. White Tea is very low in caffeine.
  5. Green Tea – Green Tea reduces the risk of heart disease and cancer. Also, Green Tea promotes weight loss. Some argue that it is healthier to drink Green Tea more often than water. It is referred to as the healthiest tea out there.
  6. Chamomile Tea – Chamomile Tea boosts the immune system while alleviating stress and tension. Is known to reduce headaches and bloating. Chamomile Tea aids in your sleep time by helping with insomnia through its relaxing properties. Chamomile Tea soothes IBS symptoms too.
  7. Darjeeling Tea – Darjeeling Tea promotes great cardiovascular well being, and is packed with antioxidants. This tea is packed with flavonoids as well. It supports digestion, helps lower cholesterol, helps reduce stress, supports mental activities, and support dental and bone health.
  8. Peppermint Tea – Peppermint Tea helps your stomach by comforting the digestive system. It aids in cramps and nausea as well. The menthol in the peppermint provides relief from the cough and flu. It is a common remedy for back and chest pain as well. It promotes weight loss as it has organic compounds that help eliminate your appetite. Sinus relief can be expected while drinking Peppermint Tea as it has a natural warmness to it to clear them. The tea also helps treat and soothe your throat when it is sore.
  9. Matcha Tea – High in antioxidants, this is an immunity booster. Matcha tea is also know to help aid in weight loss. Skin ailments can be improved as it fights skin blemishes and sun damage. It can reduce scarring, acne, and redness too. A natural memory and concentration aid, it helps to improve mood by enhancing dopamine and serotonin levels. Matcha tea leaves have high levels of chlorophyll. This detoxes the body by helping remove toxins that can damage cells.
  10. Hibiscus Tea – Hibiscus Tea is known to lower blood pressure and hypertension with cardiovascular help. Any respiratory issues can also be alleviated by drinking it daily. Hibiscus Tea supports healthy triglycerides and cholesterol levels. This hibiscus tea can combat obesity and a natural antidepressant.
  11. Ginger Tea – This is know to aid in any scratchy throat issues. Any time you are nauseous, Ginger Tea is known to aid in recovery. Most stomach issues and pain can be alleviated with a cup of Ginger Tea as well. Cholesterol, blood sugar and digestive health is all kept in check too when drinking Ginger Tea.
  12. Jasmine Tea – This tea is known to relieve stress, and is a great afternoon treat. Immunity is improved when drinking Jasmine Tea. Jasmine Tea is know to aid in weight loss as well.

What is your favorite tea?

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