10. Deleted Facebook

I’ve never felt so free, Song of Music celebratory in years! I mainly stick to Instagram @leverageambition, and don’t need any unnecessary social platforms that do not serve my greater good.

9. Lost 12 Pounds

By walking, paleo diet and Whole30 one time.

8. Embraced my inner Entrepreneur

Trying to beat my site visitors + views goal from 2019, by creating useful, positive content for the masses.

7. Getting serious about waking up early

Getting up no later than 8am, ‘because you know – you snooze, you lose.

6. Teaching my children

Like really teaching my children about the important things in life. For example, ethics, being a leader, and being respectful. I am present in speaking to them and answering all questions in my daily press conferences.

5. Hugging my Husband more often

Thanking him for his snuggly bugglies.

4. Limiting Negative Self Talk

You no good, you no good, you no good, baby you no goooood.

3. Investing in my family

Spending time on projects that will lead to long term stability for my families growth.

2. Allow Play Time

And not feeling guilty about watching that 15 minute tarot reading. If Google can allow their employees to spend an hour a day of play, so can I in my town home.

1. Not supporting people, places or narratives that do not fully serve and support my greater good.

What have you shredded this year? Let me know below!